Dr. Shuan Dai
Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Services and Queensland Children’s Hospital
 Brisbane, Australia


Dr. Shuan Dai, MB BS, FRANZCO, is the Paediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship Director and Clinical Director of Ophthalmology, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Services and Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. He serves as the current president of the Royal Australia & New Zealand Strabismus Society. He co-chairs the RANZCO Visual Disorders in Children/Paediatric Ophthalmology Working Group, Vision 2030 and Beyond. He is the council member of Asia Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society. 

Dr Shuan Dai is the section editor for paediatric ophthalmology & strabismus for the journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.   

Dr Shuan Dai is specialized in Paediatric Ophthalmology & Adult Strabismus. He pioneered the Auckland Regional Telemedicine ROP Network and leads the Queensland Statewide Telemedicine ROP Network. Dr Shuan Dai is very passionate about teaching and researching ,he has trained more than twenty-five clinic fellows from UK, USA, Canada & Asia pacific regions, and supervised multiple PhD, MD and Master degrees students. 

He has published over 100 peer reviewed academic papers and book chapters in the field of paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, especially in ROP screening guideline, ROP telemedicine and ROP artificial intelligence.